Archers Cat

Let’s face it, the only thing more entertaining than Game of Thrones is cats on the internet, so you won’t be surprised to hear how delighted we were here at Coolector HQ to stumble across this series of artwork from French illustrator, Yvan Duque, called Archers Cat which are, in actuality, illustrations for a children’s book but which reminded us of Game of Thrones and we were hooked instantly given our obsession with King’s Landing et al and with cats, of course.

Safe to say, once we realised that this Archers Cat series of illustrations were for a children’s book, we instantly wanted to get our hands on said book but it appears we will have to wait a little longer and make do with these drawings which the talented French chap has just released.

Yvan Duque is a French illustrator and author from Nantes and we’ve absolutely fallen for his cracking collection of cat related artwork and whether or not he meant to have a correlation with Game of Thrones is beyond us but you can make up your own mind below:






We’re sure that you’ll probably have cottoned on to the similarities with Game of Thrones too and this is a feature that definitely appealed to us here at Coolector HQ. Though we are, of course, not the target demographic for Duque’s awesome looking work, he’s definitely made a fan in us and we can’t wait to see more excellent artwork from this talented Gallic chap.

See More: Yvan Duque

Leo Davie
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